Friday, October 9, 2009

Tummy Tuck Surgery Considerations and Tips

Tummy tuck surgery has become a very popular and viable means for Americans to get that slim and trim look without the pain usually associated with that type of body. It is simply a form of cosmetic surgery that has become a much respected way for people to deal with an issue that affects the way that they look. It is similar to a nose job or a breast augmentation surgery.

The tummy tuck surgery is designed to take a less than perfect starting point and make that person the best that they can be given the parameters that are there to work with. But, as with all surgeries, there are risks and problems associated with it and anyone that is thinking about this type of operation should weigh the good points against the bad before they actually decide to go forward with it.

One thing that you should keep in mind is that after the surgery you will be sore and there will be swelling, sometimes quite a bit of swelling and that this side effect can last for a fairly long time. While the operation itself is usually done as an outpatient procedure, the recovery can take a while so you will need to plan on allowing yourself some easy recovery time.

A lot of times people that have this type of surgery expect miracles and when there swelling goes down and the pain subsides and they can look in the mirror, they often see it as exactly that. But it is imperative that the patient remember that if they go back to a lifestyle full of excess and eating and taking in a lot of calories without attempting to either work them off with exercise or slow the intake of them, then it is highly possible for the large stomach to return and the problem to reoccur.

For this reason many doctors will recommend that the people who are considering this operation do as much as they can to lose as much weight as possible and to tone their bodies as much as they can before the surgery so they both have a better starting point. It helps to instill the sense of worth to what is being done and often makes the results better and more long lasting than it would be on the patient who just comes in and has the surgery and then goes on about life in the same old way.

Tummy tuck surgery is certainly not the answer for everyone who is over weight but for those who see a doctor and have been cleared for the procedure. There are some things that are important to know. The first is that you need to tell the surgeon everything that you are taking. That means everything from aspirin to prescription drugs to recreational drugs to herbal supplements. That is because some of these can thin the blood significantly and cause excessive bleeding. The patient will be told to stop these usually about two weeks prior to the operation.

Next is that when you go home you are not going to be a pretty sight. You may be well wrapped up in bandages that are tight to help keep the swelling to a minimum and you might even have drainage tubes coming out of you to help drain off excess fluid build up.

Also keep in mind that recovery is an individual thing but as a rule, you can plan on nothing at all physical for two weeks and with luck you will be back to normal in four weeks time.

Along with the excess weight and fatty tissue you will also be somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000 lighter in your bank account so be sure to take that in to consideration when planning the event.

The complications that you can possibly expect to encounter may include scarring of the area, excessive bleeding, loss of skin, clotting of your blood, numbness or other nerve related changes and possible change in the skin color. There are also the possibilities of issues with reactions to the anesthesia, possible problems in the area of the cardio vascular system, and then there is no guarantee that you will achieve the results that you desire and there might be additional surgery needed after you heal and examine the results.

For many people the slight risk and the mildness of the possible side effects or reactions are far out weighed by the expected results and the success rate of achieving close to the desired expectations are actually fairly high.

- Leon Edward
of - Cosmetic Surgery Information. Considering facial plastic surgery ? Eye or face lift, skin cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, chin or cheek implants - our cosmetic surgery information online will help you decide if you are a good candidate , find dr or surgeons and ask the right questions... Learn about breast augmentations, tummy tucks and liposuction. Understand how to prepare for surgery and what to expect after the surgery with our frequent asked questions section.


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