Thursday, July 15, 2010

Do You Know The Risks Associated With Breast Surgery?

Breast surgery is undertaken in two cases:

- Breast augmentation

- Breast reconstruction

Breast Augmentation:-

Breast surgery for breast augmentation involves making a single incision in or near the breast and inserting the implant either between the breast and the chest muscle (sub-glandular placement) or behind the chest muscle (sub-muscular placement).

A second incision can be made in the natural crease under the breast, called the infra-mammary crease approach.

A third approach is to make the incision at the junction of the coloured part around the nipple(areola), and the natural skin, called the peri-areolar approach.

Each of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. Which one is utilized on a patient is totally dependent on her natural anatomy, her preferences and what the doctor advises.
Breast augmentations use saline-filled implants because of their safety and natural look.
Post surgical swelling, pain and discomfort is normal. Most women return to work in about ten - twelve days after surgery.

Breast Reconstruction:-

One of the most valuable surgical procedures used today is breast reconstruction. This is a surgical procedure to bring back the appearance of a breast for women who have had a breast removed (mastectomy) to treat breast cancer. The surgery rebuilds the breast contour and, if desired, the nipple and areola.

Although the reconstructed breast will not have natural sensation, the surgery can give a great result that looks like a breast.

One has the choice of immediate or delayed reconstruction after a surgery.

- Immediate reconstruction or the one stage process involves placing a breast implant directly after mastectomy. Few women are able to go through a one-stage process -- having the implant placed at the time of the mastectomy. In autologous tissue reconstruction, the doctor transfers a section of skin, muscle, fat and blood vessels from one part of the body to the chest to create a new breast mound. The skin and tissue need to be augmented with a breast implant to achieve the desired breast size.

- Delayed reconstruction: It involves placement of a tissue expander that is eventually replaced by an implant.

Reconstructive breast surgery does not interfere with future treatments such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or detection of recurrent breast cancer. It also does not increase the risk of recurrence of the breast cancer.

Recovery time is usually six to eight weeks. Risks of bleeding or infection are possible. It may take as long as 1 to 2 years for tissues to completely heal and for scars to fade, but the scars never go away entirely.

Lumpectomy -

Lumpectomy is a surgical treatment method for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. This is breast-conserving surgery since the surgeon removes only that part of your breast that contains the tumour (the "lump") and some of the normal marginal tissue that surrounds it. If cancer cells are found in the margins, additional surgery (called re-excision) is required. Most women receive five to seven weeks of radiation therapy after lumpectomy, in order to eliminate any remaining cancer cells.

The combination of lumpectomy and radiation is called breast-conservation therapy.

Lumpectomy is a breakthrough surgical procedure for early stage breast cancer with around 50% of women suitable. The location, size, and type of tumour are of importance when considering breast cancer surgery options. Experts agree that since survival rates are equivalent to masectomy, lumpectomy followed by radiation is the preferable treatment for most women with early-stage cancer. For women who have had lumpectomy with clear margins, followed by radiation, the average risk of non-recurrence is between 85-90 percent.

Post surgery precautions:-

- Do not lift anything heavy. Restrain doing repetitive movements (like ironing or vacuuming) with the affected side for at least 4-6 weeks.

- Do not swim or play sports until your scar has healed - about 4-6 weeks.

- Women should wear a well-fitting support bra both day and night for approximately one week after surgery.

- Protect your hand and arm from infection.

- Keep the fluids moving in your operated arm. Do not wear tight sleeves, bracelets, wristwatches or rings on that arm.

- Do exercises to stop swelling and improve circulation. For instance, try squeezing a rubber ball with your hand for a few minutes a day.

Risks associated with lumpectomy:-

- There is usually a loss of sensation in the breast, depending on the size of the lump removed. Some or most of this ability to feel gradually returns.

- After surgery, both the breasts may mismatch in size and shape.

- Seroma - a collection of fluid under the arm occurring about five days after surgery. It is likely to go way in a few weeks or else needs to be drained by doctor.

Risks associated with breast surgery -

Any surgery involves a certain amount of risk and it is important that the patient understands the underlying risks, before she takes a decision on it.

Complications vary from person to person and every patient experiences her own individual risks, but still the patient should have complete idea about the possible outcomes.

An overview of the possible risks:-

A. Capsular contracture - occurs if the scar or capsule around the implant begins to tighten. This can cause the breast to feel hard. Additional surgery may be required to remove the scar tissue. In some instances, the breast implant may need to be replaced.

B. Infection

C. Difficulty in mammography

D. In many cases, nipples become oversensitive or even numb.

E. Leak or rupture of the implant

F. Hematoma (collection of blood), and seroma (collection of fluid) within the tissue leading to capsular contracture and infection.

G. Wrinkling and rippling of the implant

Read more about Natural Breast Enhancement and other breast care issues at

Also read more about the Benefits of Natural Breast Enlargement.

Article Source:

- Leon Edward is blog owner and runs - Cosmetic Surgery Information. Considering facial plastic surgery ? Eye or face lift, skin cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, chin or cheek implants - our cosmetic surgery information online will help you decide if you are a good candidate , find dr or surgeons and ask the right questions... Learn about breast augmentations, tummy tucks and liposuction. Understand how to prepare for surgery and what to expect after the surgery with our frequent asked questions section.visit


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cosmetic Facial Injectables - Making Sense of the Options

Botox, Artecoll, Juvaderm, Restylane - the list goes on an on. We've all heard of them but many people considering a cosmetic procedure don't fully understand the basics of these products. In recent years, minimally invasive procedures have become increasingly popular within the fields of cosmetic surgery and cosmetic medicine. Most popular amongst these non-surgical treatments are cosmetic facial injectables.

Cosmetic injectables can be classified as filling agents and relaxing agents, both of which are generally used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, creases, or furrows.

Filling agents ("fillers") include Restylane, Juvaderm, Radiesse, and Artecoll and work by injection of a volume of these gel-like products under or within a targeted skin region such as a wrinkle, literally filling it in and making it less noticeable. Most fillers provide a result that lasts for a year or two while Artecoll may be permanent. The duration that the filler lasts however,

should not be the only consideration in choosing a filler product and your doctor will take into account several factors such as the location of the wrinkle, skin quality, and physician preference when advising you on which filler will work best.

To date the most popular relaxing agent is Botox which has become nothing short of a cultural icon. Some wrinkles are the direct result of the muscle just below the skin being in a constant state of involuntary tension which causes the overlying skin to wrinkle. Botox causes these wrinkle-inducing muscles to relax thereby causing a corresponding relaxation and smoothing of the wrinkles in the skin. The results generally last about five or six months.

When it comes to fillers and relaxing agents, the choice of which product to use is based on which area of the face is being treated. In general, the upper third of the face, including the horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, the furrows between the eyebrows, and the "crow's feet" lines that are found at the outside corners of the eyes are best treated using Botox. Fillers do not provide as dramatic a result in these areas. Conversely, the nasolabial folds (the creases on the cheeks running from the nostril to the corner of the mouth) and the "marionette lines" (the creases running from the corner of the mouth down the side of the chin) are best treated with filler products. Cosmetic facial injectables truly have revolutionized aesthetic medicine and anti-aging therapy. When used properly and judiciously, these products work great with very minimal risks and essentially no downtime.

Dr. Backstein can be contacted for further inquiries at:

Cosmetic Surgery Information. Considering facial plastic surgery ? Eye or face lift, skin cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, chin or cheek implants - our cosmetic surgery information online will help you decide if you are a good candidate , find dr or surgeons and ask the right questions... Learn about breast augmentations, tummy tucks and liposuction. Understand how to prepare for surgery and what to expect after the surgery with our frequent asked questions section.visit


Tummy Tuck or Liposuction - Which Cosmetic Surgery Is Right For Me?

A common misconception amongst patients considering cosmetic surgery of the abdominal area is that the choice exists to have either a tummy tuck or liposuction and that either of these two procedures will produce similar results. In most cases, a patient is a far better candidate for either a tummy tuck or liposuction and the procedures are not interchangeable.

The decision as to which plastic surgery procedure is best must be made in conjunction with a qualified plastic surgeon but the following is a general guideline:

Typically, patients whose abdominal area has loose excess skin, or significant stretch marks will need a tummy tuck and will not benefit from liposuction alone. This is because liposuction is a procedure that only removes
fat. Skin is esentially unaffected. Therefore if there is substantial loose skin or stretch marks to start with,
liposuction will not remove any of the extra skin or any of the stretch mark-bearing skin. Furthermore,
liposuction in these circumstances can actually worsen the problem by removing the "foundation" on which
the skin rests, i.e. the underlying fat thereby leaving even looser skin than the patient started with.

Liposuction to the abdominal area is more appropriate in cases of younger patients with firm, taut
abdominal skin whose main problem is extra fat. In these cases, skin reliably shrinks over the liposucked
area and a great cosmetic result can be obtained. Remember that this is only a guideline. The ultimate
decision as to which procedure(s) is best for you should be made during a private consultation with a
qualified surgeon.

Who is a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck can benefit individuals with the following features of the abdominal area:

(1) excessive, loose, sagging skin

(2) stretch marks, such as after pregnancy

(3) excess fat on the abdomen

(4) a rounded tummy that would benefit from flattening

How is a Tummy Tuck Done?

A tummy tuck involves multiple surgical steps, each designed to enhance the cosmetic appearance and
feel of your abdominal area.
The tummy tuck starts by making an incision low down on the abdominal wall. Dr. Backstein places this
incision as low down as possible so that it is generally not detectable in a bathing suit or a bikini.
Depending on your body structure, fully hiding the incision scar may not be feasible.
Following the initial incision, a tummy tuck will involve plication (firm tightening) of the muscle layer,
excision and removal of as much excess skin and fat as possible, and placement of the umbilicus (belly
button) into an anatomically pleasing location on the abdominal wall. Dr. Backstein includes liposuction of
the upper abdominal area and love handles as part of the tummy tuck procedure.

Tummy Tuck Cosmetic Surgery Scars.

There are two scars that are left by a tummy tuck. These are a horizontal scar placed low down above the
pubic area and a circular scar carefully placed around the belly button.
Both of these scars are absolutely needed if a tummy tuck is to be done properly and effectively. Any
procedure that attempts to avoid these scars will always compromise the result of the surgery in terms of
tightening, flattening, and overall abdominal beauty.
Scars in general are dynamic. This means that scars go through phases during which the visibility of the
scar changes from more to less. During the first two months after a tummy tuck or liposuction, scars will
usually have a certain amount of redness to them. This is called the inflammatory phase of wound healing.

Following this, for up to a full year, the scars will fade more and more.
It is important to note that healing of surgical incisions is very much an individual trait much like hair colour
or skin tone. People will heal incisions and form scars differently even when undergoing the exact same
surgery done by the same surgeon. As a rule, patients are so thrilled and excited by the dramatic
flattening of their abdomens and the psychological lift that this provides that tummy tuck scars are quickly
overlooked and ignored.

Tummy Tuck Recovery.

How Much Pain Will I Have?

Following a tummy tuck, patients describe a major feeling of tightness around the abdomen. The
discomfort is described as an intense muscle ache similar to the feeling after an aggressive abdominal
workout. Dr. Backstein feels that the best tummy tucks will cause a certain amount of post operative
discomfort. This is related to the extent of tightening that the surgeon has achieved. If a tummy tuck
doesn't hurt at all, the abdomen was likely not tightened adequately.
Swelling and bruising is always seen after a tummy tuck or liposuction. Dr. Backstein always provides
supplemental liposuction to the upper abdominal area and love handles and bruising will be seen in these

Do I Need To Stay Overnight?

Most patients are able to leave the hospital on the evening of the surgical day. Arrangements can always
be made for patients to stay overnight if so desired. Although straining, heavy lifting and bending should
be avoided, tummy tuck patients must start minimal walking and leg exercises the day of the surgery. Lying
in bed for hours at a time is dangerous and must be avoided to minimize the risk of blood clots. When
going to sleep, a couple of pillows under the knees and behind the head will act to ease the tension on the
surgical incision and will help relieve discomfort.

When Can I Return To Work?

Patients with jobs that require significant physical activity including bending, lifting, or quick movement will
need about 4 weeks off before being able to return to full duties comfortably.
Those patients with jobs not demanding physical activity can return to work after 2 weeks.

When Can I Work Out?

Light work outs involving exercises that do not strain the surgical incision or the abdominal muscles can
begin at 2-3 weeks. This includes brisk walking or stationary bike riding.
Heavier work outs including abdominal crunches, sit-ups and running should not be attempted for about 1

Do I Need to Wear a Special Garment?

Yes, tummy tuck patients should wear a compressive corset provided by Dr. Backstein for the first 3-4
weeks post plastic surgery.

Complications Associated with Tummy Tucks.

Significant complications following a tummy tuck are rare. This is very much related to the fact that a
tummy tuck is a superficial cosmetic surgery focusing on the skin and fat and upper muscle layers and not involving
major or vital organs.
All potential tummy tuck complications will be reviewed with you in detail by Dr. Backstein during your initial
consultation. These include:

anesthesia side effects and complications


post-operative bleeding

incision separation

blood clots

slow healing areas

Tummy Tuck: The Only Cure For Stretch Marks.

One thing is abundantly clear about stretch marks and that is that absolutely no cream or topical
ointments exist to remove them. Stretch marks are scars that occur within the substance of the skin when it
is exposed to excessive stretching or shearing force. The abdominal area develops stretch marks during
pregnancy due to the stretching of the skin by the growing fetus in the womb.

Just as no cream exists to erase scars on the skin, none exists to eliminate stretch marks either although
there are many products on the market that claim to do so.
A tummy tuck will remove about 90% of stretch marks from the abdominal wall. As a rule of thumb, all the
stretch marks below the level of the belly button will be removed with the large piece of skin and fat that is
discarded during the tummy tuck surgery. Moreover, the stretch marks that are above the belly button get
pulled far down on the abdomen, just above the pubic area as part of the tummy tuck procedure. This
means that about 90% of your stretch marks are removed completely and the rest shift to a much less
visible area. It truly is fair to say that tummy tuck surgery is the only cure for abdominal stretch marks.

The Effects of Pregnancy On Tummy Tuck Surgery.

It is all too clear that pregnancy induces unwanted changes in the abdominal area that often lead people
to seeking surgical improvement. These pregnancy-induced changes include general weight gain,
looseness and laxity of abdominal skin, and of course, stretch marks.

A tummy tuck operation is the very best surgical procedure to dramatically improve all of the above
mentioned changes of the abdominal region. Unfortunately, much of the improvement achieved through a
tummy tuck can, at least in part, be diminished by the effects of subsequent pregnancy. It is important to
remember that our bodies are dynamic and constantly changing. The beneficial effects of tummy tuck
surgery are not "carved in stone", but need to be maintained. Pregnancy after a tummy tuck will lead to
generalized weight gain, and stretching and distension of the abdominal wall as the baby grows in the
womb. This will cause some degree of skin laxity and stretch marks similar to that present prior to the
tummy tuck surgery. Your tummy area will,however, still look better than it would have had you never
undergone tummy tuck surgery.

Exercise and Diet: Maintaining The Results of Your Cosmetic Surgery.

The human body is dynamic and always in a state of change. No surgical procedure exists to reshape,
recontour or tighten a body region that is absolutely permanent. The results of a tummy tuck and
liposuction need to be maintained. A healthy lifestyle must be followed after surgery to maintain the
dramatic flattening and tightness of the abdominal region that a tummy tuck or liposuction provides. Poor
diet and sedentary lifestyle will, over time cause weight gain and skin stretching after tummy tuck surgery.
Happily, the vast majority of patients find that after a tummy tuck or liposuction, they feel so good both
mentally and physically that excercise and healthy eating become a welcome part of their post surgical

Dr. Robert Backstein, Cosmetic Surgeon Toronto Ontario

- Cosmetic Surgery Information. Considering facial plastic surgery ? Eye or face lift, skin cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, chin or cheek implants - our cosmetic surgery information online will help you decide if you are a good candidate , find dr or surgeons and ask the right questions... Learn about breast augmentations, tummy tucks and liposuction. Understand how to prepare for surgery and what to expect after the surgery with our frequent asked questions section.visit


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cosmetic Surgery Lipo Information

While many people would love to get rid of the extra fat cells on their body forever, not everyone is a prime candidate for liposuction. Though this cosmetic surgery lipo will do exactly that, most surgeons will want to know that the patient has done everything they can to get rid of the fat on their own.

You might be asked to go on a strict weight loss program first to see how far your weight can go within a certain amount of time. But the truth is that our bodies continue to make fat cells, and some people are simply genetically predisposed to more fat cells in certain areas.

In any case, you do need to be about 30% away from your ideal weight as you want to have skin that is elastic enough to tighten up after the excess fat cells are removed. If your skin is not elastic, you might have troubles with bumps and ripples.

No matter how much they diet and exercise, they might never reduce their body to the size and shape they like. And the only way to solve their problems is to suck those fat cells out of the body with cosmetic surgery lipo.

You can have liposuction done on a number of body parts and it's often used in conjunction with tummy tucks and other cosmetic procedures.

Inner thighs
Upper arms - triceps area

When the fat is removed from the sections of the body by cosmetic surgery lipo, it can simply be thrown away or it might be used to fill in other areas of the body – fat injections are quite popular for the face to fill in lines and creases.

The body parts where the liposuction is completed will also be reshaped along the way. After all, your body does need some fat in order to stay warm and healthy. Thus, you shouldn't expect all of your fat cells to be removed.

The cosmetic surgery lipo procedure begins with anesthesia, of course, to render the patient unconscious for the procedure, though it is often done as an outpatient procedure and you can go home the same day.

The surgeon will make a small incision near the area where the liposuction will occur, somewhere inconspicuous so that there is minimal scarring. Into that incision, they flood floods the area with a sterile liquid solution. This solution helps to reduce the trauma to the area as well as the bleeding that may occur.

Then a cannula is inserted into the areas in a rod-like device in order to break up the fat cells and tissue in order to be vacuumed out by a surgical vacuum. Often the breaking up of the fat is done with an ultrasound machine. The waves help to shake up the fat and to make it ready for easy extraction. The surgeon will stop at several points to see how the body part is changing before deciding to remove more or to remove less if the results look good.

While this cosmetic surgery lipo procedure is pretty straightforward, there are a number of potential complications. People have died from this surgery, so you need to be aware of the side effects as well as the outcomes you might experience.

Complications can include:

Extensive fluid retention
Rippling skin
Loose skin
Fat clots
Nerve damage

Even though the surgeon might remove all of the excess fat that you wanted removed, this will not be a final solution to your weight issues – if you have any. You will need to maintain this fat loss by following a proper diet and exercise plan.

The body can produce new fat cells that can fill the area once more. And since you may already be predisposed to gaining weight in those areas, it might be even more difficult to remove the second time you try cosmetic surgery lipo.

Following the doctor's after care plan is always a good idea, but it's even better when you want to maintain your slimmer new you.

After the cosmetic surgery lipo , you will need to wear compression garments to help alleviate swelling and pain. In some cases, you might need to have a drain put into the area to drain away the excess fluid.

The operation is generally outpatient, so you can go home the same day, though you will need someone to take you home and to help you around, depending on the location of the surgery.

Within a few weeks, the full results of your liposuction will be visible and ready to enjoy and to share.

- Leon Edward of - Cosmetic Surgery Information. Considering facial plastic surgery ? Eye or face lift, skin cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, chin or cheek implants - our cosmetic surgery information online will help you decide if you are a good candidate , find dr or surgeons and ask the right questions... Learn about breast augmentations, tummy tucks and liposuction. Understand how to prepare for surgery and what to expect after the surgery with our frequent asked questions section.visit


Cosmetic Surgery Facelift

If you want a more radical approach that lifts the entire face, a face lift is for you. By making small incisions around the hairline hear the ears, the skin pulled more tightly around the face, causing fine lines and wrinkles to vanish, while also making the skin appear much firmer.

The surgeon might also make a larger incision just below the ears and then pull the skin off the skull in order to remove some of the excess skin that was once attached to the hairline. Then, the two edges of the skin are then sewn together to create a tighter face overall.

To enhance the look of a face lift, the surgeon might recommend implants in the cheeks or the chin to really create a more defined and youthful visage.

The scars are minimal and the incisions are minimal, so the healing time is short and often a matter of weeks.

- Leon Edwardof - Cosmetic Surgery Information. Considering facial plastic surgery ? Eye or face lift, skin cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, chin or cheek implants - our cosmetic surgery information online will help you decide if you are a good candidate , find dr or surgeons and ask the right questions... Learn about breast augmentations, tummy tucks and liposuction. Understand how to prepare for surgery and what to expect after the surgery with our frequent asked questions section.visit


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


- Leon Edwardof - Cosmetic Surgery Information. Considering facial plastic surgery ? Eye or face lift, skin cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, chin or cheek implants - our cosmetic surgery information online will help you decide if you are a good candidate , find dr or surgeons and ask the right questions... Learn about breast augmentations, tummy tucks and liposuction. Understand how to prepare for surgery and what to expect after the surgery with our frequent asked questions section.visit


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cosmetic Surgery Tummy Tuck Information

If a patient has tried everything to lose weight around their midsection, but just can't seem to get rid of a spare tire, a tummy tuck can be the cosmetic surgery of their dreams. By helping to remove excess fat that's accumulated and to tighten up the abdominal muscles, this surgery can help both men and women with a less than defined stomach area.

Before the surgery, however, many doctors will want the patient to try to lose as much weight as possible in order to see just how much work will be necessary. In some cases, the patient may not have done all that they can and they may very well be able to have a flat stomach without surgery.

However, women especially have troubles with their midsection after pregnancies as the baby can push against and loosen their abdominal wall entirely, causing a drooping abdomen no diet or exercise plan can fix.

The surgeon will make a long incision along the pubic line on the top of the thighs and the pubic area. There will also be an incision in the belly button. The surgeon then goes in and tightens up the muscles, removes excess fat and tissues and then closes up the area.

There may be significant swelling for a long time after the surgery has been completed. This is normal and it will subside. Since this is often an outpatient surgery, it's best to remember that while you may be able to go home the same day, you will need someone to help you around for a bit until the pain subsides.

Men can also have tummy tucks when they're genetically predisposed to fat accumulation around their stomach area. This will help to shrink their waistlines and help to create a more balanced overall look.

It's important to keep in mind that while the results of a tummy tuck can be astounding, they need to be maintained with regular exercise and a healthy diet. If the patient goes back to their old way of life and that way of life included excess calories and a sedentary lifestyle, the larger stomach can come back.

With both breast augmentations and tummy tucks, you can completely change the shape of your abdomen, but keeping it up will be up to you.

- Leon Edwardof - Cosmetic Surgery Information. Considering facial plastic surgery ? Eye or face lift, skin cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, chin or cheek implants - our cosmetic surgery information online will help you decide if you are a good candidate , find dr or surgeons and ask the right questions... Learn about breast augmentations, tummy tucks and liposuction. Understand how to prepare for surgery and what to expect after the surgery with our frequent asked questions section.visit
